Wall Street Exchange | Foreign Currency | Local & International Money Transfer | WPS | UAE


• اسم العرض: أهلًا رمضان! 2025
• تاريخ الحملة: 27 فبراير إلى 28 مارس 2025
• مدة الحملة: 30 يومًا

Here is the Arabic translation:

أهلًا رمضان 2025
صالح حتى 27 مارس 2025

أهلًا رمضان 2025
في هذا الشهر الكريم، قم بإرسال الأموال عبر “وول ستريت للصرافة” لفرصة الفوز بجوائز يومية، استرداد نقدي 100%، وصندوق الذهب!

تاريخ الحملة: 27 فبراير - 28 مارس 2025 (لمدة 30 يومًا)
جوائز الحملة: جوائز فورية، استرداد نقدي أسبوعي، وجائزة كبرى

كيفية المشاركة:
ما عليك سوى إرسال الأموال من أي فرع من فروع “وول ستريت للصرافة”، وستحصل على جوائز فورية يومية وفرصة للدخول في السحب الأسبوعي والجائزة الكبرى!

• الجائزة اليومية:
• أرسل الأموال مرتين واحصل على جوائز فورية مضمونة!
• عند إتمام تحويلين ماليين، يصبح العميل مؤهلًا للفوز بجوائز فورية مضمونة.
• الجائزة الأسبوعية:
• أرسل الأموال مرتين واربح استردادًا نقديًا بنسبة 100%!
• عند إتمام تحويلين ماليين عبر أي فرع، يدخل العميل السحب للفوز باسترداد نقدي بنسبة 100%، حيث سيحصل 4 فائزين محظوظين على قيمة معاملاتهم نقدًا، بحد أقصى 5,000 درهم إماراتي!
• الجائزة الكبرى:
• أرسل الأموال عبر “وول ستريت للصرافة” واربح صندوق الذهب!
• ادخل السحب الكبير للفوز بصندوق الذهب (ربع كيلو من المجوهرات الذهبية)! سيحصل فائز واحد محظوظ على صندوق ذهب يحتوي على أنواع مختلفة من المجوهرات أو ما يعادل 75,000 درهم إماراتي نقدًا!

شروط الأهلية:
• الحملة مفتوحة لجميع عملاء “وول ستريت للصرافة” في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
• تسري على جميع المعاملات بما في ذلك الحوالات المالية، العملات الأجنبية، والمنتجات والخدمات ذات القيمة المضافة.
• تنطبق هذه الحملة فقط على الحوالات المالية الفردية الدولية، ولا تشمل معاملات الشركات.

الشروط والأحكام العامة:
1. معالجة الحوالات: ستتم معالجة الحوالة بناءً على التفاصيل المقدمة من العميل، و”وول ستريت للصرافة” غير مسؤولة عن أي تأخير أو خطأ في التحويل.
2. العملة: سيتم تنفيذ الحوالة بالدرهم الإماراتي (AED) ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك.
3. الرسوم: يتحمل المستفيد جميع الرسوم والضرائب ما لم يحدد العميل خلاف ذلك.
4. حق الرفض أو التأخير: تحتفظ “وول ستريت للصرافة” بالحق في رفض أو تأخير أي حوالة لا تستوفي المتطلبات التنظيمية.
5. الامتثال: يجب أن تكون جميع المعاملات قانونية ومتوافقة مع قوانين مكافحة غسيل الأموال في الإمارات.
6. الإعلان عن الفائزين: سيتم الإعلان عن الفائزين عبر القنوات الرسمية لـ”وول ستريت للصرافة”.
7. فترة استلام الجوائز: يجب على الفائزين المطالبة بجوائزهم قبل 31 يناير 2025.
8. حالات الاشتباه بالاحتيال: يحق لـ”وول ستريت للصرافة” إلغاء الجائزة في حال الاشتباه بوجود نشاط احتيالي.
9. الموافقة على النشر: سيتم الحصول على موافقة الفائزين لنشر صورهم وأسمائهم لأغراض تسويقية.
10. التعديلات والإلغاء: تحتفظ “وول ستريت للصرافة” بالحق في تعديل أو إلغاء الحملة وفقًا للظروف.

جدول السحوبات الأسبوعية:

الأسبوع من إلى تاريخ السحب عدد الفائزين الجائزة
الأسبوع 1 26 فبراير 2025 4 مارس 2025 5 مارس 2025 1 فائز استرداد نقدي 100% حتى 5000 درهم
الأسبوع 2 5 مارس 2025 11 مارس 2025 12 مارس 2025 1 فائز استرداد نقدي 100% حتى 5000 درهم
الأسبوع 3 12 مارس 2025 18 مارس 2025 19 مارس 2025 1 فائز استرداد نقدي 100% حتى 5000 درهم
الأسبوع 4 19 مارس 2025 27 مارس 2025 28 مارس 2025 1 فائز استرداد نقدي 100% حتى 5000 درهم
الجائزة الكبرى 26 فبراير 2025 27 مارس 2025 7 أبريل 2025 1 فائز صندوق الذهب (ربع كيلو ذهب)

• سيتم استخدام البيانات الشخصية للمشاركين وفقًا لقوانين حماية البيانات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، ولن يتم مشاركتها مع أطراف ثالثة بدون موافقة مسبقة.
• هذه الحملة غير مرتبطة بأي شكل من الأشكال بمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مثل فيسبوك أو إنستغرام.
• لمعرفة المزيد حول سياسة الخصوصية، يرجى زيارة: https://wallstreet.ae/privacy-policy.

Ahlan Ramadan 2025

This Ramadan, Send Money Through Wall Street Exchange for a Chance to Win daily prizes, 100% cashback and Gold Box!

Campaign Date: 27th February to 28th March 2025 ( 30 Days)

Campaign Prizes: Instant prizes, weekly cashback and a mega prize 

How to Participate: 

Simply send money from any Wall Street Exchange branch, and you will win daily instant prizes and get a chance to enter for weekly, and mega prizes! 

  • Daily Prize:​

  • Send Money Twice and get Assured Instant Prizes!​
    Customers who complete two remittance transactions will become eligible for guaranteed prizes instantly.​

  • Weekly Prize:​

  • Send Money Twice & Win 100% Cashback!​
    Complete two transactions through any Wall Street Exchange branch and enter the draw for a chance to win 100% cashback, 4 Lucky Winners will receive cashback equal to their transaction value, up to AED 5,000!​

  • Grand Prize:​

  • Send Money with Wall Street Exchange and Win a Gold Box!​
    Enter the grand draw for a chance to win a Gold Box (Quarter Kilo of Gold Jewelry)! 1 Lucky Winner will receive a Gold Box (featuring various kinds of jewelry) or cash worth AED 75,000!

  • Eligibility:  

  • The campaign is open to all Wall Street Exchange customers across the UAE. 

  • Applies to transactions for all products including remittances, foreign currency, and value-added products & services.  

  • This promotion applies only to individual international money transfer transactions; corporate transactions do not qualify for the draw. 

General Terms & Conditions: 

  1. Transfer Processing: Wall Street Exchange will process the transfer based on the details you provide. Exchange is not responsible for any loss, delay, error, omission, or misinterpretation during the transmission of the message. 

  2. Currency: Unless specified otherwise, the transfer will be executed in UAE Dirham (AED). 

  3. Charges: All fees, taxes, and charges incurred are the beneficiary’s responsibility unless specified by the customer. Wall Street Exchange is not liable for any charges imposed by the paying institution or agent to the beneficiaries. 

  4. Right to Delay or Refuse: Wall Street Exchange reserves the right to delay or not process the transfer if the information provided is incomplete, unclear, or does not comply with regulatory requirements or government orders. 

  5. Indemnity: You agree to indemnify the Exchange from all liabilities, claims, charges, fees, and taxes related to the fund transfer and services provided. 

  6. Right to Reject: The Exchange reserves the right to reject the payment if the beneficiary details provided by the remitter do not match the recipient details. 

  7. Spot Value Payment: Payment to the recipient will be made with SPOT value, subject to the time the claim is received. 

  8. Legal Use: Transactions must be for legal purposes only, in compliance with UAE laws, including anti-money laundering regulations. 

  9. Transaction Time: You acknowledge that the actual time to complete the transaction may vary from the estimated time due to increased scrutiny by financial institutions or entities providing financial services to the beneficiary. 

  10. Errors and Omissions: Charges may apply if there is an error or omission in providing incorrect or incomplete information for the fund transfer. 

  11. Compliance: Wall Street Exchange may refuse to execute any request or service if it does not comply with necessary procedures or contains incorrect information violating UAE laws. 

  12. Possible Delays: You agree to possible delays in fund transfers due to technical issues at Wall Street Exchange, the UAE FT system, or the paying institution/agent to the beneficiary. 

  13. Accuracy of Information: You are responsible for the accuracy of the information and data provided to the Exchange through this Key Facts Statement. 

  14. Terms & Conditions: Detailed terms and conditions are available on the Exchange’s website at https://www.wallstreet.ae/term-and-conditions.   

  15. Changes to Terms & Conditions: The Exchange reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions with 60 days prior notice. 

  16. Service Amendments: Once issued, services may only be amended, subject to provider restrictions. Please note that additional charges may apply. 

  17. Winners: 5 weekly draw winners will be announced every week as per the schedule below and 1 grand winner will be announced at the end of the campaign period le. Feb 27, 2025, to Apr 07, 2025.

  18. Prize Collection: Winners must submit a copy of their transaction confirmation receipt from Wall Street Exchange, along with a valid Emirates ID and/or passport to claim their prize. 

  19. Eligibility Criteria: The promotion is open to eligible transactions made at Wall Street Exchange branches, excluding corporate and canceled transactions. 

  20. Draw Entry: All valid money transfer transactions must be completed within the promotional eligibility period to enter the e-raffle draws. Wall Street Exchange reserves the right to deny entry for any remittance transaction deemed unethical, false, or unauthentic. 

  21. Winner Notification: Winners will be notified by an authorized representative of Wall Street Exchange through the official communication channels of Wall Street Exchange. 

  22. Claim Period: All winners must claim their rewards on or before April 30, 2025. 

  23. Fraudulent Activity: If a transaction is found suspicious or fraudulent, Wall Street Exchange reserves the right to withdraw the prize and disqualify the participant. 

  24. Marketing Consent: Consent of the winners will be taken for the publication of their photos, videos, and names for marketing purposes and waive any claims against Wall Street Exchange regarding this use.  

  25. Promotion Status: Wall Street Exchange reserves the right to postpone, cancel, or suspend the promotion for any reason. Wall Street Exchange may change the draw date at its discretion, and any new dates will be communicated through official channels. 

  26. Compliance: Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions may result in disqualification.  

  27. Prize Conditions & Decisions: The prize is non-exchangeable, non-transferable, and non-refundable; only a cash alternative is offered. The decisions regarding the prize draw are final and compliant with government regulations; no correspondence will be entertained. 

  28. Transaction Responsibility: Wall Street Exchange is not responsible for incomplete transactions; such transactions will not be valid for entry into the prize draw. 

  29. Acceptance of Terms: Participants are deemed to accept and agree to these Terms and Conditions upon entry. Wall Street Exchange reserves the right to refuse entry or prize claims from anyone in breach of these terms. Wall Street Exchange reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions as directed by government regulators, with prior notice to customers.  

  30. Winner Announcements: For updates on winner felicitations, visit Wall Street Exchange’s website or follow us on social media ( Instagram & LinkedIn). 

  31. Inquiries and Complaints: For clarifications or complaints, call 04 2269871 or email customerservices@wallstreet.ae with “Ahlan Ramadan 2025” in the subject line. We will aim to resolve a complaint within 10 working days, or a final response will be given in 30 working days in accordance with the resolution procedures. 

Warning Statements:

  • This product/service may be affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates. 

  • Additional fees may be levied by the correspondent bank/financial institution or entity providing financial services to the beneficiary of remittances.  

  • The actual time to complete a transaction may differ from estimates due to increased scrutiny of transactions by the correspondent bank/financial institution or entity providing financial services to the beneficiary of remittances. 

  • Wall Street Exchange will not be held liable for any delays once the funds are transmitted from the UAE. 

  • Penalties and Fees may be applied if there is a customer error or omission in providing correct or incomplete information for remittances. 

  • The Exchange reserves the right to make inquiries if the transfer amount or the number of transfers during a period does not match your profile. 

  • Refunds against cancellation or rejection of any remittance transactions returned unpaid for whatever reason will be made only at our prevailing buying rate or at the rate which we issued the transaction, whichever is lower. 

  • Re-issuance of remittance transactions for any reason are subject to our charges and rate differences, as applicable 


Weekly winner schedule 




Draw Date




Week 1


March 4, 2025

March 10, 2025

1 winner

100% cashback upto AED 5000

Week 2


March 11,2025

March 12, 2025

1 winner

100% cashback upto AED 5000

Week 3


March 18,2025

March 19, 2025

1 winner

100% cashback upto AED 5000

Week 4


March 27,2025

March  28, 2025

1 winner

100% cashback upto AED 5000



March 27,2025

April 7,2025

1 winner

100% cashback upto AED 5000





100% cashback upto AED 5000

Mega Prize







Data Privacy 



  • Any personal data relating to the Participants will be used solely in accordance with applicable UAE data protection legislation, and the privacy policy mentioned below and will not be disclosed to a third party without the Participant’s express authority and consent.  

  • This Promotion is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, or any other social network. You are providing your personal data to Wall Street Exchange and not to any other party and this will be used in conjunction with the following Privacy Policy found at: https://wallstreet.ae/privacy-policy.  

Other Terms and conditions  

  • Save that nothing in these terms and conditions limits or excludes Wall Street Exchange (or any third party's) liability arising from fraud, death or personal injury caused by negligence or any other type of liability which may not be limited or excluded by law, we (and where applicable, the Promotion partners and any providers of a prize): (a) shall have no liability in relation to any act or omission of any third party and (b) exclude all liability to a Participant and anyone else for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or harm of any kind arising from or in connection with this Promotion and its prizes.   

  • Wall Street Exchange reserves the right to cancel or amend the Promotion and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of our control. Any changes to the Promotion will be notified to you as soon as possible.  

    The Promotion and these terms and conditions will be governed by UAE law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the UAE courts in the Emirate of Dubai. 

  • Promotion Name: Ahlan Ramadan! 2025​
  • Campaign Date: 27th February to 28th March 2025
  • Campaign Period: 30 days
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26 July 2020 04:00 PM
1 AED = 13.39 PHI

400 AED

5344.12 PHI

Today 28 July 2020 04:00 PM
1 AED = 13.48 PHI

400 AED


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