Wall Street Exchange | Foreign Currency | Local & International Money Transfer | WPS | UAE


  1. The promoter, Wall Street Exchange Centre LLC (“Wall Street” or “we” “us” “our”), registered in the Emirate of Dubai under trade license number 216992, requires participants to have a valid UAE resident visa. 

  1. The Campaign is open to all Wall Street customers from May 25 –  June 14, 2024 (22 Days) (“Promotion Period”) to persons who are residents of UAE and aged 18 years or over (“Participant” or “you” or “your”), except employees of Wall Street or Instant Cash, their close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the organization or judging of the Campaign. 

  1. By entering this Promotion, you acknowledge and accept your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions which will form the agreement between you and us. 

  2. تفاصيل العرض الترويجي والمشاركة

  3. Promotion Details and Entry 

    سيتم تسمية الحملة الترويجية بـ 'عيد الأضحى مبارك! مهرجان المكافأة المضاعفة

  4. The Promotion shall be named “Eid al-Adha Mubarak!​Double Bonus Festival​”. 

    ستمتد الحملة من 25 مايو إلى 14 يونيو 2024 شاملًا (فترة العرض)

  5. The campaign will run from May 25 –  June 14, 2024  inclusive (the “Promotion Period”). 

    سيتم إخطار الفائزين عبر الهاتف من قبل موظفينا كل أسبوع. إذا لم يتمكن الفائز من الاتصال أو لم يطالب بالجائزة في غضون 14 يومًا من الإخطار، فإننا نحتفظ بالحق في سحب الجائزة من الفائز واختيار فائز بديل.

  6. Winners will be notified by telephone by our staff every week. If a winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize within 14 days of being notified, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and pick a replacement winner. 

    سيتم توزيع الجوائز على الفائزين شخصيًا من خلال حفل توزيع الجوائز في الموقع

  7. The prizes will be distributed to the winners in person through a prize distribution ceremony at the location. 

    قرارنا فيما يتعلق بجميع المسائل المتعلقة بالحملة سيكون نهائيًا، ولن يُسمح بأي مراسلات أو استئنافات

  8. Our decision in respect of all matters regarding the Promotion will be final, and no correspondence or appeal will be entertained. 

    الجائزة الكبرى: سيتم اختيار فائز واحد محظوظ بناءً على راتبه الكامل، مع حد أقصى للمكافأة يبلغ 5,000 درهم تضاعف إلى 10,000 درهم.

  9. Grand Prize: 1 lucky winner will be chosen based on their full salary, with a maximum bonus of AED 5,000 doubled to AED 10,000​ 

    الجائزة الأسبوعية: تذكرة طيران ذهاب وعودة (بحد أقصى - 1500 درهم إماراتي)

  10. Weekly Prize: Return Air Ticket ( Max -  AED 1500)​

  11. الجائزة اليومية: العملاء الذين يرسلون الأموال مرتين  سيكونون مؤهلين مباشرة للفوز بجوائز فورية بواسطة امسح و اربح

  12. Daily Prize: Customers sending money two times will be directly eligible to Scratch & win for instant prizes.


    ينطبق على جميع التحويلات الفردية.

  13.  Applicable for all individual remittances

    غير قابل للتطبيق على المعاملات الشركاتية، استلام الأموال، دفع الفواتير، والمعاملات الشركاتية والمعاملات الملغاة مستبعدة من السحب.

  14. Not applicable for corporate transactions, receive money, bill payments, Corporate and cancelled transactions are excluded from the draw.​

    X7ذلك موظفومفتوح لجميع عملاء وول ستريت للصرافة بما في

  15. Open to all Wall Street Exchange customers including 7X employees​.

    موظفو وول ستريت للصرافة، وإنستانت كاش، وفينتكس، وفيرتكس، وأقاربهم المباشرين غير مؤهلين للمشاركة في السحوبات.

  16. Wall Street Exchange, IC, FINTX & VERTX employees and their immediate relatives are not eligible to enter the draws.​

  17. Data Privacy 

  18. Any personal data relating to the Participants will be used solely in accordance with applicable UAE data protection legislation, and the privacy policy mentioned below and will not be disclosed to a third party without the Participant’s express authority and consent. 

  19. This Promotion is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, or any other social network. You are providing your personal data to Wall Street Exchange and not to any other party and this will be used in conjunction with the following Privacy Policy found at: https://wallstreet.ae/privacy-policy 

  20. Save that nothing in these terms and conditions limits or excludes Wall Street Exchange (or any third party's) liability arising from fraud, death or personal injury caused by negligence or any other type of liability which may not be limited or excluded by law, we (and where applicable, the Promotion partners and any providers of a prize): (a) shall have no liability in relation to any act or omission of any third party and (b) exclude all liability to a Participant and anyone else for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or harm of any kind arising from or in connection with this Promotion and its prizes.  

  21. Wall Street Exchange reserves the right to cancel or amend the Promotion and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of our control. Any changes to the Promotion will be notified to you as soon as possible. 

  22. The Promotion and these terms and conditions will be governed by UAE law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the UAE courts in the Emirate of Dubai.

    Warning Statements:
    1. This product/service may be affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates.
    2. Additional fees may be levied by the correspondent bank/financial institution or entity providing
    financial services to the beneficiary of remittances.
    3. The actual time to complete a transaction may differ from estimates due to increased scrutiny of transactions by the correspondent bank/financial institution or entity providing financial services to the beneficiary of remittances.
    4. Wall Street Exchange will not be held liable for any delays once the funds are transmitted from the UAE.
    5. Penalties and Fees may be applied if there is a customer error or omission in providing correct or incomplete information for remittances.
    6. The Exchange reserves the right to make inquiries if the transfer amount or the number of transfers during a period does not match your profile.
    7. Refunds against cancellation or rejection of any remittance transactions returned unpaid for whatever reason will be made only at our prevailing buying rate or at the rate which we issued the transaction, whichever is lower.
    8. Re-issuance of remittance transactions for any reason are subject to our charges and rate differences,as applicable

  • Promotion Name: Send money from Wall Street Exchange and get the chance to win a double salary bonus!
  • Campaign Date: May 25 –  June 14, 2024  
  • Campaign Period: 22 days
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Cash Payout Rates

26 July 2020 04:00 PM
1 AED = 13.39 PHI

400 AED

5344.12 PHI

Today 28 July 2020 04:00 PM
1 AED = 13.48 PHI

400 AED


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